5 Popular Themes for Decorating Your Living Room

>> Tuesday, June 5, 2007

There are 5 popular themes for decorating your living room which will be discussed in this article. While some may prefer the more traditional colors and lines to accentuate their living room, others may opt for a more earthy or contemporary design. Here are a few ideas which you may wish to think about if you plan to redesign your living room.
  • Black and white has always been a classic style. You can effectively combine this style with geometric shapes and designs. There are a number of living room pieces which have become quite popular today. Among them is a yin yang sofa. The sofa itself is white, with a black cushion encompassing the yin yang white circle. In addition, it comes with a white on black, and black on white side cushions which are quite attractive and useful. Considered a contemporary style, you can paint the walls of your home white, and add a touch of red to accentuate the décor.
  • Another popular color being used in some living rooms today is Chinese red. While it can be used to design a living room in Eastern décor, it has become the color of choice for most modern and contemporary living rooms. Using Chinese red to paint one wall of the living room, you can certainly choose a modern theme to accentuate your room with white slip covers; or whatever you choose to enhance the overall scheme of the room.
  • An eclectic style encompasses many colors, but is brought together by different fabrics, textures and patterns. Using red, gold, cream and brown, you can use a multitude of pieces from a variety of periods. While this may not be to your taste, you certainly have a myriad of shapes to work with.
  • The country style is still popular today, using an array of soft blues and red plaids in combination with paisley prints to accentuate an entire room. The cozy, warm feeling is further demonstrated by an area rug complimenting the furniture’s rustic look and window treatments which accent the brown woodwork within the room.
  • Perhaps you’d like to look into Shabby Chic! This is a very popular theme in which slipcovers are used throughout the living room; accompanied by painted furniture (pieces which may have come from a flea market); it is literally a mix of old and new; mixed and matched; plain and stunning; with white being the central theme. Interesting concept, don’t you think? If this appeals to you, you can check online for Shabby Chic stores and decorative ideas. It’s intriguing enough to take a look.

Whatever you choose out of the 5 popular themes for decorating your living room, there is such a variety today that you will no doubt find one which expresses your particular style.


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